Dynamic Fields in Apache Solr

So, you’ve installed a fresh copy of <a taget=”_blank” href=”http://lucene.apache.org/solr/”>Apache Solr</a>. You have tested it out running the examples from the <a href=”http://lucene.apache.org/solr/tutorial.html”>Solr tutorial</a>. And now you are ready to start indexing some of your own data. Just one problem. The fields for your own data are not recognized by your Solr instance. You notice in the schema.xml file that the default fields have names like cat, weight, subject, includes, author, title, payloads, popularity, price, etc. These fields are all defined for the purpose of being used with the sample data provided with Solr. Most of their names are likely not relevant to your search project, and even if you are willing to put up with misnamed fields at least for experimenting with your instance, you also face the problem that their set properties may not be what you would expect them to be.

Of course you can modify the schema.xml file and apply strong data-typing to each field that you plan to use to fit the exact needs of your project, reload Solr, and then start to index your data. But if you are just getting started with Solr, or starting a new project and experimenting with adding your dataset, you may not know exactly what fields you need to define or what properties to define for them. Or you might be interested updating an existing index with some additional fields, but do not want to add to explicitly add them to the schema.

Fortunately, Solr gives the option to define dynamic fields – fields that are defined in the schema with a glob-like pattern that is either at the beginning or end of the name. Further, there are pre-defined dynamic fields for most of the common data-types that you may use, in the default schema. Here are the some of the dynamic fields that are defined in the default schema.xml:

<dynamicField name="*_i"  type="int"    indexed="true"  stored="true"/>
<dynamicField name="*_s"  type="string"  indexed="true"  stored="true"/>
<dynamicField name="*_l"  type="long"   indexed="true"  stored="true"/>
<dynamicField name="*_t"  type="text"    indexed="true"  stored="true"/>
<dynamicField name="*_b"  type="boolean" indexed="true"  stored="true"/>
<dynamicField name="*_f"  type="float"  indexed="true"  stored="true"/>
<dynamicField name="*_d"  type="double" indexed="true"  stored="true"/>
<dynamicField name="*_dt" type="date"    indexed="true"  stored="true"/>

The field names are defined with a glob-like pattern that is either at the beginning or end of the name. With the above dynamic fields, you can index data with field names that begin with any valid string and end in one of the suffixes in the name attributes (i.e. article_title_s, article_content_t, posted_date_dt, etc.) and Solr will dynamically create any dynamic field of the particular type with the name that you give it. After you’ve indexed some data, you can actually view this dynamically created field in the schema viewer for your instance, located at http;//YOUR-INSTANCE/admin/schema.jsp

<field name="article_title_s">My Article</field>
<field name="article_content_t">Lorem Ipsum...</field>
<field name="posted_date_dt">1995-12-31T23:59:59Z</field>

Cloud Platforms: The Promise vs. The Reality

Recently our VP of Search, Michael McIntosh sat down and talked to me about his thoughts on cloud computing and what businesses should be aware of when investing in the cloud.

Karen: So, how does enterprise search and cloud computing fit together?  What’s good about it for companies?

Michael: The advent of cloud computing makes it a lot easier for companies to get into search without investing a huge sum of money up front. Some of the pay-as-you-go computing approaches make it possible to do things that in the past wouldn’t have been financially viable such as natural language processing on content.  Something that could have taken days, weeks, or even months can now take much less time by throwing more hardware at a problem for a shorter time span.

For example, you could throw 20 machines at a problem for 12 hours and do a bunch of computations in a massively parallel way, and then stop it as soon as it’s done….versus the old model where you have to buy all the hardware, or rent it, and make sure it’s not underutilized so you make your investment back.

But if you need a lot of processing power for a short amount of time, it’s really quite amazing what we can do now with an approach like this.

Karen: Is this a new technology for TNR?

Michael: TNR has been using cloud computing platforms for several years now—3 or 4 years.  Cloud computing in itself is sort of a buzz word, because distributed processing and hosting has been around for a while, but the pay-as-you-go computing model is relatively new. So we have a great deal of experience with the reality of cloud computing platforms vs. the promise of cloud computing platforms.

Karen: So, what is the difference between the “promise” and the “reality” of cloud computing platforms?

Michael: Well, A lot of people think of cloud computing as this magical thing; all their problems will be solved and it will be super dependable because there are very large businesses like Amazon running the underlying infrastructure and you don’t have to worry about it.

But, as the physical infrastructure becomes easier to deploy, other critical factors come into play. You won’t have to worry about the physical logistics of getting hardware in place. But, you will have to manage multiple instances, you have to make sure that when you provision temporary processing resources, you have to remember to retire it when it’s no longer needed. Otherwise you’ll be paying more than you need to. Since virtualization uses physical hardware you do not control or maintain—there are fewer warning signs to a potential systemic failure. Now Amazon, which is the one we use the most, does a good job of backing up instances and making things available to you even when there are failures. But we’ve had problems where we’ve lost entire zones. Even if we’ve had multiple machines configured with fault tolerance, Amazon has experienced outages that have taken entire regions offline despite every conservative effort to ensure continuous up time. So we’ve had our entire service clusters go down because of problems Amazon was having. It becomes critically important for companies to develop and maintain a disaster and recovery plan. Companies need to make sure things that are critical are backed up in multiple locations. Now historically, this has been hard to do because companies typically buy enough equipment for production needs, but not enough equipment for development and staging environments.

Karen: That sounds like a costly mistake.

Michael: It can be very costly because people often develop disaster recovery plans without ongoing testing to confirm the approach continues to work. If the approach is flawed, when you do suffer an outage, you can be offline for hours, days or weeks. Even worse, you may not be able to recover your data at all.

Karen: That sounds extremely costly.

Michael: Yes, it’s no fun at all.

There are upsides though. Some pluses are that cloud computing forces you to be more formal about how you manage your technical infrastructure. For example, for training purposes; with a new developer, we can just give them a copy of a production system, and have them go to town on it, make modifications, whatever without risking the actual production servers. And if they make a mistake, which is human (you have to factor in human error), you can reprovision a brand new one, and retire the one that is fouled up. Instead of having to spend hours and hours trying to fix the problem on the machine they were working on.

Karen: This sounds like it’s a lot more flexible and time efficient, with a layer of safety built in.

Michael: Yes. Cloud computing also comes in handy if you ever have a security breach. If a hacker gets into the system and the system is compromised–if this happens, system administrators can go in and try to correct the problem. But hackers can often install backdoors to get in and out. So a cloud platform with a good disaster contingency and backup can allow system administrators to bring a whole instance down and do the patch on a whole new machine without the security breaches and patches in place. This is pretty easy to do with a cloud platform.

Karen: So TNR can help their clients do all these things?

Michael: Yes, we’ve worked with large customers over many years and we’ve seen a wide variety of things that can possibly go wrong, and we’ve been through several physical service outages both with Amazon Web Services and with Rackspace.

Cloud computing in itself is no panacea, but if you have the technical and organization proficiency to effectively leverage the platform, it can be a powerful tool used to accelerate your company’s rate of innovation.

If you are assessing the cloud as a solution in your business, contact us.  There are a variety of options for hosting that can save your company money and minimize outages. Let us show you the option that is the best fit for your organization.

TNR Global to Attend Enterprise 2.0 Conference in Boston

We’re excited to announce that we’ll be in attendance at the Enterprise 2.0 Conference in Boston June 21-23, 2011.  Managing Director Natasha Goncharova and Director of Business Development Karen Lynn will be attending.  If you see us, be sure to say hello!

Migration from FAST ESP to Lucene Solr

Download the presentation and see the video.

Michael McIntosh, Vice President of Enterprise Search Technologies at TNR, spoke at the Lucene Revolution conference in Boston, MA October 7-8, 2010. Michael reviewed the migration from Fast ESP to Lucene/Solr open source search. He discussed approaches to identifying core content areas of HTML documents such as Text-To-Tag Ratio Heuristics and Page Stereotype/Site Template Analysis, and reviewed specific use cases that we have encountered as search integration experts and discuss available tools.

TNR Global was a sponsor of Lucene Revolution. The conference gathered over 400 professionals from the enterprise search industry. We were happy to see so much interest in Lucene/Solr open source search, and get to know and learn from the folks who have done large scale implementations, including Twitter, LinkedIn, and eHarmony.  Not surprisingly, there was a lot of interest about migration from proprietory search systems to Solr, especially from FAST ESP due to Microsoft’s discontinuing FAST ESP support for Linux.  If you would like to learn more about how a migration from FAST ESP to Lucene Solr can benefit your company, contact us for a free consultation.

Dynamic Fields in Apache Solr

So, you’ve installed a fresh copy of Apache Solr. You have tested it out running the examples from the Solr tutorial. And now you are ready to start indexing some of your own data. Just one problem. The fields for your data are not recognized by the default Solr instance. You notice in the schema.xml file that the default fields have names like cat, weight, subject, includes, author, title, payloads, popularity, price, etc. These fields are defined for the purpose of being used with the sample data provided with Solr. Most of their names are likely not relevant to your dataset, and even if you can manage to make things “fit” with misnamed fields even just for the purpose of experimenting, you also face the problem that their set properties may not be what you would expect them to be.

Of course you can modify the schema.xml file and apply strong data-typing to each field that you plan to use to fit the exact needs of your project, reload Solr, and then start to index your data. But if you are just getting started with Solr, or starting a new project and experimenting with adding to your dataset, you may not know exactly what fields you need to define or what properties to define for them. Or you might be interested updating an existing index with some additional fields, but do not want to explicitly add them to the schema.

Fortunately, Solr gives the option to define dynamic fields. Further, there are pre-defined dynamic fields for many of the common data-types in the default schema. Here are the some of the dynamic fields that are found in the default schema.xml:

<dynamicField name="*_i"  type="int"    indexed="true"  stored="true"/>
<dynamicField name="*_s"  type="string"  indexed="true"  stored="true"/>
<dynamicField name="*_l"  type="long"   indexed="true"  stored="true"/>
<dynamicField name="*_t"  type="text"    indexed="true"  stored="true"/>
<dynamicField name="*_b"  type="boolean" indexed="true"  stored="true"/>
<dynamicField name="*_f"  type="float"  indexed="true"  stored="true"/>
<dynamicField name="*_d"  type="double" indexed="true"  stored="true"/>
<dynamicField name="*_dt" type="date"    indexed="true"  stored="true"/>

The field names are defined with a glob-like pattern that is either at the beginning or end of the name. With the above dynamic fields, you can index data with field names that begin with any valid string and end in one of the suffixes in the name attributes (i.e. article_title_s, article_content_t, posted_date_dt, etc.) and Solr will dynamically create any dynamic field of the particular type with the name that you give it.

<field name="article_title_s">My Article</field>
<field name="article_content_t">Lorem Ipsum...</field>
<field name="posted_date_dt">1995-12-31T23:59:59Z</field>

After you’ve indexed some data, you can actually view the dynamic field names in the schema viewer, located at http://YOUR-INSTANCE/admin/schema.jsp

Using dynamic fields is a great way to get started at using Apache Solr with minimal setup.

How to Index a Site with Python Using solrpy and a Sitemap

If you are looking for a fast and easy way to populate a Solr instance using Python, read on.

The script provided here is a basic starting point to building the Solr index for any website with a sitemap, within minutes.  Simply modify the script to use your Solr instance and run with a path to your valid XML sitemap and it will begin populating your Solr index.

While you certainly can modify this script to fit your specific needs, you may even find that this script satisfies your Solr indexing requirements as-is.

To start, you need to be running Python 2.6 and have the following modules installed:

You can install these using easy_install or manually.

You will also require an Apache Solr instance.  (If you are looking for fully managed solution for hosting your Solr search application with a wide range of services, feel free to contact us.)

Ideally you will use this script on your own sitemap.  For detailed information on how to construct your sitemap click here: http://www.sitemaps.org/protocol.php.  You can search the web for other scripts that will automatically make sitemaps out of common CMS’s like WordPress and Joomla.  There are also sitemap generators available. You can also find a valid sitemap for testing here: http://www.google.com/sitemap.xml (~4Mb). We will assume that you have have a valid sitemap.

We will also assume that you have the default Solr schema.xml installed.

Write the following python script sitemap-indexer.py, replacing the value for solrUrl with the location of your own instance:

#! /usr/bin/env python
""" Index links from a sitemap to a SOLR instance"""

import sys
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import solr
import hashlib
import urllib2
from xml.etree.ElementTree import parse

# How many iterations max?  Enter 0 for no limit.
limit = 0 

# The URL of the solr instance
solrUrl = 'http://localhost:8080/sitemap-indexer-test'

# The xmlns for the sitemap schema
sitemaps_ns = 'http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9'

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
	print 'Usage: ./sitemap-indexer.py path'

sitemapTree = parse(sys.argv[1])

solrInstance = solr.SolrConnection(solrUrl) # Solr Connection object

counter = 0
numAdded = 0

# Find all of the URLs in the form <url>...<loc>URL</loc>...</url>
for urlElem in sitemapTree.findall('{%s}url/{%s}loc'%(sitemaps_ns,sitemaps_ns)):
	counter = counter + 1 # Increment counter

	if limit > 0 and counter > limit:
		# For testing, if the limit is reached, break

	url = urlElem.text # Get the url text from the element

	try: # Try to get the page at url
		response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
		print "Error: Cannot get content from URL: "+url
		continue # Cannot get HTML.  Skip.

	try: # Try to parse the HTML of the page
		soup = BeautifulSoup(response.read())
		print "Error: Cannot parse HTML from URL: "+url
		continue # Cannot parse HTML.  Skip.

	if soup.html == None: # Check if there is an <html> tag
		print "Error: No HTML tag found at URL: "+url
		continue #No <html> tag.  Skip.

	try: # Try to set the title
		title = soup.html.head.title.string.decode("utf-8")
		print "Error: Could not parse title tag found at URL: "+url
		continue #Could not parse <title> tag.  Skip.

	try: # Try to set the body
		body = str(soup.html.body).decode("utf-8")
		print "Error: Could not parse body tag found at URL: "+url
		continue #Could not parse <body> tag.  Skip.

	# Get an md5 hash of the url for the unique id
	url_md5 = hashlib.md5(url).hexdigest()

	try: # Add to the Solr instance
	except Exception as inst:
		print "Error adding URL: "+url
		print "\tWith Message: "+str(inst)
		print "Added Page \""+title+"\" with URL "+url
		numAdded = numAdded + 1

try: # Try to commit the additions
	print "Could not Commit Changes to Solr Instance - check logs"
	print "Success. "+str(numAdded)+" documents added to index"

Make the script executable and run it:
./sitemap-indexer.py /path/to/sitemap.xml

It will start to go through the sitemap, parsing the content of each URL and if no errors found will add it to the Solr index. This process can take several minutes. There may be errors parsing many of the documents. They will simply be skipped, you may have to fine-tune the parser to fit your specific needs.

Once finished, it will output the number of documents that were committed to the Solr index.

You should be able to access your Solr Instance and run queries. There are numerous resources on the web to help you form query strings. There is also a query form in your Solr web admin interface that allows setting the various request parameters.

If you experience Solr Exceptions, check your Solr logs. If you modified your schema, be sure to reload your Solr instance as this may be the cause of Unrecognized Field Exceptions. You can find the default Solr schema in the example/solr/ directory of a new install of Solr.

If you would like to parse the documents for more specific tags than simply taking the entire body element (as this script does), refer to this documentation:

How to Index a Site with Python Using solrpy and a Sitemap

If you are looking for a fast and easy way to populate a Solr instance using Python, read on.

The script provided here is a basic starting point to building the Solr index for any website with a sitemap, within minutes.  Simply modify the script to use your Solr instance and run with a path to your valid XML sitemap and it will begin populating your Solr index.

While you certainly can modify this script to fit your specific needs, you may even find that this script satisfies your Solr indexing requirements as-is.

To start, you need to be running Python 2.6 and have the following modules installed:

You can install these using easy_install or manually.

You will also require an Apache Solr instance.  (If you are looking for fully managed solution for hosting your Solr search application with a wide range of services, feel free to contact us.)

Ideally you will use this script on your own sitemap.  For detailed information on how to construct your sitemap click here: http://www.sitemaps.org/protocol.php.  You can search the web for other scripts that will automatically make sitemaps out of common CMS’s like WordPress and Joomla.  There are also sitemap generators available. You can also find a valid sitemap for testing here: http://www.google.com/sitemap.xml (~4Mb). We will assume that you have have a valid sitemap.

We will also assume that you have the default Solr schema.xml installed.

Write the following python script sitemap-indexer.py, replacing the value for solrUrl with the location of your own instance:

#! /usr/bin/env python26
""" Index links from a sitemap to a SOLR instance"""

import sys
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import solr
import hashlib
import urllib2
from xml.etree.ElementTree import parse

limit = 0 # How many iterations max?  Enter 0 for no limit.
solrUrl = 'http://localhost:8080/sitemap-indexer-test' # The URL of the solr instance
sitemaps_ns = 'http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9' # The xmlns for the sitemap schema

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
	print 'Usage: ./sitemap-indexer.py path'

sitemapTree = parse(sys.argv[1])

solrInstance = solr.SolrConnection(solrUrl) # Solr Connection object

counter = 0
numAdded = 0

# Find all of the URLs in the form <url>...<loc>URL</loc>...</url>
for urlElem in sitemapTree.findall('{%s}url/{%s}loc'%(sitemaps_ns,sitemaps_ns)):
	counter = counter + 1 # Increment counter

	if limit > 0 and counter > limit:
		break; # For testing, you can set a limit to how many pages of the sitemap to consider

	url = urlElem.text # Get the url text from the element

		response = urllib2.urlopen(url) # Try to get the page at url
		print "Error: Cannot get content from URL: "+url
		continue # Cannot get HTML.  Skip.

		soup = BeautifulSoup(response.read()) # Try to parse the HTML of the page
		print "Error: Cannot parse HTML from URL: "+url
		continue # Cannot parse HTML.  Skip.

	if soup.html == None: # Check if there is an <html> tag
		print "Error: No HTML tag found at URL: "+url
		continue #No <html> tag.  Skip.

		title = soup.html.head.title.string.decode("utf-8") # Try to set the title
		print "Error: Could not parse title tag found at URL: "+url
		continue #Could not parse <title> tag.  Skip.

		body = str(soup.html.body).decode("utf-8") # Try to set the body
		print "Error: Could not parse body tag found at URL: "+url
		continue #Could not parse <body> tag.  Skip.

	# Note, decode("utf-8") is used to avoid non-ascii characters in the solrInstance.add below

	# Get an md5 hash of the url for the unique id
	url_md5 = hashlib.md5(url).hexdigest()

		# Add to the Solr instance
	except Exception as inst:
		print "Error adding URL: "+url
		print "\tWith Message: "+str(inst)
		print "Added Page \""+title+"\" with URL "+url
		numAdded = numAdded + 1

	solrInstance.commit() # Commit the additions
	print "Could not Commit Changes to SOLR Instance - Check SOLR logs for more info"
	print "Success. "+str(numAdded)+" documents added to index"

Make the script executable and run it:
./sitemap-indexer.py /path/to/sitemap.xml

It will start to go through the sitemap, parsing the content of each URL and if no errors found will add it to the Solr index. This process can take several minutes. There may be errors parsing many of the documents. They will simply be skipped, you may have to fine-tune the parser to fit your specific needs.

Once finished, it will output the number of documents that were committed to the Solr index.

You should be able to access your Solr Instance and run queries. There are numerous resources on the web to help you form query strings. There is also a query form in your Solr web admin interface that allows setting the various request parameters.

If you experience Solr Exceptions, check your Solr logs. If you modified your schema, be sure to reload your Solr instance as this may be the cause of Unrecognized Field Exceptions. You can find the default Solr schema in the example/solr/ directory of a new install of Solr.

If you would like to parse the documents for more specific tags than simply taking the entire body element (as this script does), refer to this documentation:

How to create a duplicate ESP collection without re-crawling!

In a production (or even stable) ESP environment, it is difficult to make a change to the Document Processing Pipeline and test it without wiping out the existing collection (not to mention the time it takes to perform a full re-crawl if the collection is even moderately large). In this case, the best option is to use postprocess to feed existing documents to a new (empty) collection.

Making a duplicate collection provides several benefits:

  • No re-crawling is required
  • The original collection is not affected by pipeline changes
  • You can test your new collection without touching the stable data
  • Upon determining that your changes are producing good results, you can easily migrate your front-end to the new collection while still maintaining existing stable data in the original collection (in case you want to revert your changes)

Steps to make a duplicate collection

  1. Using the ESP Admin GUI, create a new collection with the pipeline you would like to use (or test, as the case may be)
  2. Do not specify any data sources when configuring the new collection
  3. Stop the Enterprise Crawler:

    $FASTSEARCH/bin/nctrl stop crawler

  4. Run the following command where origcollection is the original collection and newcollection is the new collection (that you just created):

    $FASTSEARCH/bin/postprocess -R origcollection -k default:newcollection

    Notes about this command:

    • the default specified above is a content feeding destination, as specified in the destinations section of $FASTSEARCH/etc/CrawlerGlobalDefaults.xml. Specifying default will specify the destination as the current ESP install.
    • be sure to run the above command using either nohup or screen as it will not exit until all content has been fed to the new collection. For large collections this may take a while.
  5. Restart the Enterprise Crawler:

    $FASTSEARCH/bin/nctrl start crawler

Fast ESP Error: no doc procs registered to process a batch with priority 0

Just wanted to take this error message off of the, “Hey, we’ve seen this before… now how did we resolve this..?” pile.  This is the full text of the error:

WARNING    Could not send batch to ESP content distributor, will retry automatically.
Reason given: process() failed: exception (no_resources) no doc procs registered to 
process a batch with priority 0

At first glance, it looks pretty clear that you just need to [re]start your document processor(s).  However, this won’t necessarily solve the problem.  Turns out that the a likely reason for this to pop up is a bad Document Processing Pipeline (DPP) Stage.  The docprocs fire up, hit the bad stage (e.g. python errors etc.) and don’t recover.

To debug your DPP Stage, take a look at the logs for the document processor(s).  They’re usually located in $FASTSEARCH/var/log/procserver and, in our experience, there’s probably an uncaught python exception lurking somewhere in there.