Microsoft FAST ESP



TNR Global employs Microsoft FAST ESP (Enterprise Search Platform).  Our implementations support custom and standard formats such as text, HTML, XML, and PDF. We have configured, mirrored, scaled and maintained the ESP system in a rigorous production environment both for Linux and SharePoint.

At TNR Global, we implement and customize the Microsoft FAST Search solution to empower our customers to reach their business goals.

Our expertise with Fast ESP

  • Configuring, mirroring and scaling Microsoft FAST ESP systems using various architectural layouts
  • Custom document tagging pipeline stage development for associating database content with web content based upon document URL
  • Custom dependency-based content build and feeding systems
  • Access to low-level undocumented ESP XML-RPC APIs for better integration
  • ESP benchmarking and performance tuning
  • FAST Index XML repartitioning tools for content volume scaling
  • Proven ESP content backup & recovery techniques
  • Handling of extensive or unplanned system changes without impacting service availability
  • Ajax / Web 2.0 ESP-Suggest functionality integration that uses actual ESP query logs
  • Seamless handling of hardware failure through service mirroring and failover modes
  • Expertise with low-level search engine architecture and search/relevancy algorithms

See an example of the Microsoft FAST ESP Search implementation by TNR Global and CMG at ThomasNet.

TNR has worked with the FAST ESP product since 2004, from version FAST Data Search (FDS) 3.2 up through version FAST ESP 5.3. In 2007, FAST Search and Transfer was acquired by Microsoft. It is Microsoft’s plan to use powerful FAST style technology for their public search engine, Bing. FAST’s flexible and scalable enterprise search platform elevates the search capabilities of enterprise customers and connects people to the relevant information they seek regardless of medium. This drives revenues and reduces total cost of ownership by effectively leveraging IT infrastructure. FAST ESP is known for its scalability, relevancy, and reliability. More than 2,600 customers worldwide use FAST solutions. Contact us for a free consultation.

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