TNR Global to present at Apache Lucene Eurocon 2011 in Barcelona

We are happy to announce that TNR Global’s own Michael McIntosh will be presenting at the Apache Lucene Eurocon 2011 in Barcelona this October.  Michael’s talk is titled Enterprise Search:  FAST ESP to Lucene Solr.” His presentation will discuss migration from the FAST ESP platform to a Lucene Solr search platform. There are many reasons an IT department with a large scale search installation would want to move from a proprietary platform to Lucene Solr. In the case of FAST Search, the company’s purchase by Microsoft and discontinuation of the Linux platform has created an urgency for FAST users. Illustrated through actual case studies, the presentation will include challenges and concerns, present solutions and work-arounds to overcome migration issues.

Michael has more than 16 years of experience in large scale systems design and operation, online consumer product development, high volume transaction processing and engineering management. He has extensive experience developing, integrating and maintaining search technology solutions for companies such as FAST Search and Lycos.

We’re excited that Michael will be presenting in Barcelona this fall.  Please introduce yourself if you’re able to go!

Migration from Microsoft FAST to Apache Lucene Solr

Is your company using Microsoft FAST ESP on a Linux platform?  Unfortunately, Microsoft announced in 2010 they will cease technical support for FAST ESP 5.3 after it’s 5 year life cycle for anyone using Linux as their operation system. Migration to another search platform will be a priority, and business leaders and technology professionals are looking closely at Lucene Solr as a solution.

We can assist your organization in any stage of a migration. We can perform an evaluation of your current architecture, draft a plan for migration, work with your internal team on the migration or just consult as needed. Whatever your specific needs are, we can help you achieve your goals. Read our White Paper released February 2012 that presents a Case Study on migration. The paper discusses:

  • Loading millions of documents into Solr indexes
  • Evaluation and recommendations for tools to bridge the features gap
  • Migrating custom pipeline code to Pypes with minimal changes
  • Proven ROI after a complete migration

Additionally, we have presented on the subject of FAST ESP to Lucene Solr migrations for the Lucene Revolution Conference in Boston, MA (2010 Slides: Migration from FAST ESP to Lucene Solr (PDF) (pdf:4,067,091) ) and at the Apache Lucene Eurocon (web site dead) Barcelona (October 2011). Watch our VP of Search Technology Michael McIntosh’s presentation on FAST to Lucene Solr Migration below. If you like what you see, contact us to explore a Solr migration solution.


Slide presentation 

From Microsoft FAST to Lucene/Solr – Barcelona

Fast_ESP_to_Lucene_SolrTNR Global presented at the Apache Lucene Eurocon in Barcelona, Spain. Michael McIntosh, VP of Enterprise Search Technologies, spoke on the migration from Microsoft FAST ESP to Lucene/Solr open source search.

View the presentation
Migration from Microsoft FAST to Apache Lucene Solr

Our White Paper on Microsoft FAST ESP to Lucene/Solr will be released in January, 2012.  To receive your free White Paper, email contact information to or subscribe here to receive the White Paper and our newsletter on FAST to Lucene Solr Migration.