IBM OmniFind Enterprise Edition powers secure intranets, corporate public Web sites, and information extraction applications. The IBM OmniFind family of products includes IBM OmniFind Analytics Edition, Discovery Edition, Enterprise Edition, Enterprise Starter Edition, and Yahoo! Edition. IBM OmniFind Yahoo! Edition is a free (no licensing fees) entry-level enterprise search solution that provides a low cost way to start implementing enterprise search in your organization.
TNR developed an enterprise search component for the open source Joomla! content management system. The TNR ESearch Component integrates IBM OmniFind Yahoo! Edition with Joomla! based websites. The component is designed to provide enterprise search for an intranet or extranet, as well as corporate information to clients visiting a public website. In addition to providing this component under the GPL license to the larger community, TNR has implemented ESearch at a number of public websites, including the website of Arbor Networks, a global provider of solutions for network security and visibility.
See an example of the IBM OmniFind Yahoo! Edition search implementation by TNR Global at Arbor Networks.