FAST ESP to Lucene Solr Presentation: Open Call for Questions

To pre-load the discussion on Michael’s Enterprise Search: FAST ESP to Lucene Solr talk, send your questions to: We want to hear from you!

TNR Global is excited to be participating in the Apache Lucene EuroCon conference in Barcelona.  Our own Michael McIntosh is scheduled to present:  “Enterprise Search: FAST ESP to Lucene Solr” Here is your chance to pre-load the discussion. Before Michael puts the final touches on his talk, he wants to know what issues or questions you may be have.  In the following video, he touches on some of the highlights of his upcoming talk, and asks for your input.

Enterprise Search: FAST ESP to Lucene Solr pre-conferece video - Click to Watch
Enterprise Search: FAST ESP to Lucene Solr pre-conf video

To participate in advance, send you questions or comments to:  While Michael cannot promise he will include your question or commentary in his actual talk, he will work to address them in an upcoming White Paper, to be released after the conference in November 2011. We look forward to hearing from you!

Migration from FAST ESP to Lucene Solr

Download the presentation and see the video.

Michael McIntosh, Vice President of Enterprise Search Technologies at TNR, spoke at the Lucene Revolution conference in Boston, MA October 7-8, 2010. Michael reviewed the migration from Fast ESP to Lucene/Solr open source search. He discussed approaches to identifying core content areas of HTML documents such as Text-To-Tag Ratio Heuristics and Page Stereotype/Site Template Analysis, and reviewed specific use cases that we have encountered as search integration experts and discuss available tools.

TNR Global was a sponsor of Lucene Revolution. The conference gathered over 400 professionals from the enterprise search industry. We were happy to see so much interest in Lucene/Solr open source search, and get to know and learn from the folks who have done large scale implementations, including Twitter, LinkedIn, and eHarmony.  Not surprisingly, there was a lot of interest about migration from proprietory search systems to Solr, especially from FAST ESP due to Microsoft’s discontinuing FAST ESP support for Linux.  If you would like to learn more about how a migration from FAST ESP to Lucene Solr can benefit your company, contact us for a free consultation.