TNR Global launches new corporate website. Before and after shots:
Category: Corp Blog
Jeremy Maryott passes the RHCT and RHCE exams and scores 100%!
Jeremy Maryott, System Administrator at TNR, passes the RHCT and RHCE exams and scores 100%! Jeremy has been with TNR for two years. He has experience with administering web, mail, DNS, and database servers, as well as virtualization technology such as OpenVZ and Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).
Great work, Champ!
Ross Farinella, Information Assurance Expert, Joins TNR’s Search Team
Ross Farinella, Information Assurance expert, joins the search team at TNR. Ross’ interests in enterprise search include performance tuning, end-user experience, and learning algorithms. He has hands-on expertise with many tools, technologies and platforms including Java, C++, PHP, Python, XHTML/CSS, Javascript, Apache, MySQL, Windows Server, and various Linux distributions.
ShofarSites Featured in the Jewish Ledger
ShofarSites, a division of TNR Global, which creates Joomla! based web sites for synagogues, created a new web site for Congregation Beth El of Norwalk, CT. Read about it in the Jewish Ledger.
FAST ESP Overview
Michael McIntosh, a Senior Search Software Engineer at TNR Global, provides an overview of the FAST ESP Enterprise Search Engine.
Temple Israel Gets Cyberspace Makeover
TNR Global’s new division,, is featured in the Greenfield Recorder. ShofarSites creates interactive web sites for Jewish organizations – Temple Israel Gets Cyberspace Makeover.
TNR Global and Hidden-Tech Present: Developing a Dynamic Web Site for Your Business – Joomla!
Date: January 29, 2008, 5:30 p.m. — 7:30 p.m
Location: Lord Jeffrey Inn, Amherst, MA
Hidden-Tech members are invited to an evening seminar to explore the Joomla! content management system. Learn how you can use open source tools to create an interactive website for your business or organization. The Joomla! web content management system allows non-programmers to create dynamic websites with forums, blogs, newsletters, calendars, polls, ad banners, user registration, directories, and more.
Who can benefit?
If your organization—
a. has a lot of content
b. needs an interactive site
c. wants to update web content easily
— then consider Joomla!
University of Massachusetts – Mind the Gap Women & Technology Summit
Natasha Goncharova, Managing Director of TNR Global, LLC, will be a panel participant at the Technology Trends in Industry session at the University of Massachusetts’s “Mind the Gap” Women & Technology Summit, on September 27, 2007. The event, organized by the Commonwealth Alliance for IT Education (CAITE), provides a venue for women to explore career options in technology fields.
Telecommuting links valley firm
Read about TNR Global in the business section of The Republican – Telecommuting links valley firm
IBM searches high and low with OmniFind
IT Week Article – IBM searches high and low with OmniFind.